Saturday, November 21 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The NCSU Crafts Center presents its 25th Annual Holiday Crafts Fair & Sale, featuring work by The Crafts Center’s own artists and craftspeople. Pottery, wood, jewelry, baskets & more! Meet the craftspeople and enjoy complimentary refreshments while shopping for unique items for yourself or those special people on your holiday gift list. Enjoy demonstrations by several craftspeople, and have your picture taken against our new "green screen" and inserted in a scenic digital location. Join the Celebration of Art at NC State!
Location: Thompson Hall, lower level - on Jensen Drive, across from the entrance to the Coliseum Parking Deck. Map & directions available on our website.
Admission: $1 per person or $2 per family; Free to NCSU students.
Visit www.ncsu.edu/crafts or call (919) 515-2457 for more information.