LuLu is smiling!
Art by Debbie Lompa, Laurie Knopp and LuLu. Pottery, Note cards, Hand-made Journals
- a means to spiritual
- can set the mind free
- a place for self-study
- a resting place for ideas,
thoughts, expressions
- a means of creative
- a medium for sharing
experiences, beliefs & stories
- a safe place for dreams &
- a place to capture your
special interests &
- enriching to your daily life
- a catalyst for greater
- pages to address life
issues, or to chronicle
the times
- a place to slow life down to
the pace of your thoughts
- beneficial to improve blood
pressure by lowering stress
& providing a sense of
serenity & calmness
- made to stimulate the
writer & the artist within
- a place for spontaneity
- a dream chronicle
Everything you think about putting down on paper is worthy of your time. A journal is your catalyst for creative expression.